White Bass Fishing Techniques

Gotta love that spring run.
People are always searching for the best bass fishing techniques and this is no different when you're going after White Bass.
If you're looking for some great fishing to do around the beginning of Spring, fishing for White Bass is one of the best, especially if you are looking to take the kiddos out.
During the spring time your chances of having a great fishing day are really good when going after these feisty fish with the correct white bass fishing techniques.
The key is to find that school of white bass that will usually be feeding on bait fish that they have pushed to the surface. They don't usually stick to cover but rather travel in packs. So when you start to get those bites, it would be wise to get your line back in the water.
The video talks about Kansas fishing but it really applies to any area
One important thing to be aware of is that the White Bass are easily spooked. So you don't want to be tossing your line right into the spot you believe that school of fish is. Rather you want to cast beyond and then use a slow to medium retrieval when reeling in, at the point you are entering the school. As soon as you feel you are about to be past the school of sandies, go to a fast retrieval.
Using the correct techniques, most get the White Bass to strike right before the line is completely reeled in. I know that is when I hook most of mine, just as I am going fast and thinking I got to try again, bam, I get that hit and pull him in.
Our favorite spot.

We do most of our Sand Bass fishing off the Clear Fork of the Trinity River on the outskirts of the west side of Fort Worth. From one side of the bank I cast to the other side and then slowly reel in using my jighead setup. I'll try in a spot for a few using different lures then move on until I get my bite which usually means more to be found in that area.
If I am using minnows, then I'll toss the line just beyond the midpoint of the river and let it set for 10 minutes or so before trying another spot until I find that sweet spot. And man when you find it, boy is it sweet.
Check the article on White Bass from Bass Pro Shops
We hope that you will be able to use some of these white bass fishing techniques to help your fishing day be as productive as we have come to know. Go back to our White Bass page for more great info. There is even a spot to share your tips.
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