Changing Pace Striped Bass Fishing

Striped bass, the targets of striped bass fishing, which are often referred to by the more common name of stripers, are one of the most popular types of fish among fishermen, especially among bass anglers. Striped bass are unique compared to their freshwater brethren in that striped bass breed in fresh water, but somewhat like salmon they spend the adult part of their lives in salt water. Despite this, if the environment changes in such a way as they can not reach salt water, they still have the ability to live solely in fresh water, like smallmouth and largemouth bass.

Striped bass can be found nearly everywhere now, from Chesapeake Bay and Cape Cod down to the reservoirs of Florida. This fish is extremely popular because of its ability to grow to large sizes and put up the type of fight that makes all bass very popular with anglers.

Another reason striped bass are popular is the challenge of catching them. Striped bass are notorious for being finicky about which baits they will show interest in taking. Because of this, when fishing for striped bass there is no specific favorite technique or strategy that is fool proof. Fishing for striped bass can require many different types of bait. This can include including clams, chicken livers, eels, night crawlers, grasshoppers, and minnows. Many anglers do prefer live bait of some type over something factory produced, though this doesnt mean that actual lures cant have success. If you find something that works in striped bass fishing, then by all means, dont change a thing!

Striped bass fishing is a great change of pace for those bass fisherman who desire a fish that can break well above the twenty pound mark. In fact, stripers can easily grow up to an amazing four feet long and weigh over fifty pounds. The world record is 125 lbs, but dont get your hopes up too highthats a record that has stood for over one hundred years. Still, there are huge striped bass out there, and if you are committed to striped bass fishing, you many find some dandies.

So which methods work? It depends on your strategy. If you dont own a boat, then from a shoreline you would want to look at a technique known as surf casting. Surf casting is the process of casting into the surf while you stand near the shore of the ocean. This type of strategy requires special gear that usually involves heavy test line an a series of lead sinkers to actually anchor their live bait of the ocean floor, since having the bait floating back to you is obviously not a good idea!

If you have a boat, then trolling is a great method for going after striped bass. You will definitely want a strong test line, and in this situation artificial lures are ideal. This is a successful technique for striped bass fishing because the striped bass is very aggressive and is willing to attack a moving bait. This allows a fisherman to use lures they may already have, and use a familiar technique as trolling is a great strategy not only for striped bass and largemouth bass, but even other fish such as muskie, pike, or walleyes.

Striped bass fiction is likely to continue to grow in popularity. These are big aggressive fish that put up a huge fight, are a challenge to catch, and taste great in the frying pan or on the grill. With qualities like that, how can striped bass fiction not be popular among any avid fisherman?


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