Bass Fishing Tips and Techniques for Beginners

If you love to fish and enjoy the relaxing experience that comes from it, you probably know about bass fishing. If so, you also know that, even though bass have the reputation of being quite the fighter when caught, the thrill of first waiting for the strike and then hooking a bass causes a chemical reaction within the body that creates a somewhat euphoric sensation. This all by itself makes the experience worth the effort.

And, here is another amazing fact: many returning from such an adventure are returning feeling more relaxed! They actually feel refreshed from their experience, even after being outdoors the entire time. It seems as though the strenuous activity has literally 'recharged their batteries'!

Bass fishing has increased in popularity over the years as more and more discover the thrill that comes from catching a bass. With all the bass fishing books available, especially ones that address bass fishing for beginners, it is no wonder there has been an explosion of interest in bass fishing. These books reveal everything from bass fishing facts to many bass fishing hints that will have even the novice successfully fishing for bass.

If you have been seeking bass fishing help to improve your fishing experience, the following will provide a general bass fishing guide to get you started in the wonderful world of bass fishing.

To begin with, you have to have the right bait. Many bass fishing guides start here because, if you don't have the right bait, you can pretty much forget about catching any bass. Of the many baits available to choose from, artificial baits have shown some success. There is also your more typical baitfish, such as mullet. By combining it and a covering of the more visually alluring artificial bait over it, or by first removing its backbone so it will swim more naturally, along with a two ounce egg sinker that will keep it slightly under the waves where the bass are located, you can catch some bass.

Another type of bait can be found in the immediate area you are fishing. Look around for rocks in the creek area. If the soil is damp or moist, look under the rocks for some juicy native worms. If you are fishing at night, a black jitterbug is a great choice to use for bait. If there is no moon, consider using some sort of glow in the dark paint applied to the under side of the lure to draw the bass to your hook. There is even the option of purchasing plastic frogs or mice and then 'skipping' them along the top of the water.

If you are fishing during light to heavy overcast skies, worms work best. If you are fishing in the morning with the sun reflecting off the water, spinners are a better choice.

The next thing to do is acquire the proper approach to bass fishing. In order to increase the odds of catching any bass that inhabit water just below the surface is to keep your distance from the area you are fishing. For example, if the water is flowing rather well, fishing down the creek will help. Remember, it doesn't take much water flow to keep your bait moving and tempting the bass to strike. Another way of separating your bait from you is to hide behind any bush, tree or shrub that may be in the area. Get behind them and then cast your line into the water. One extra tip: fly fishing rods are great for this approach.

No matter what you do, it is important to 'sneak up' on them. Because most fish in a river or creek inhabit a deeper spot known as a hole, you don't want them hearing or seeing you. If they sense you are nearby, it is unlikely they will 'take the bait'.

It is now important to find just the right spot to apply your fishing bait and technique. If your fishing spot contains lily pads, especially if the water is deeper, running a worm or other soft bait slowly along the bottom right next to the lily pads can result in catching a bass. Also, if the area has water weeds that extend approximately five feet above the water line, this can be a good source of bass cover. As such, by running any kind of artificial bait along the edge of the weeds, it is likely you will catch a bass or two. You can even place a weed less worm smack dab in the middle of the weeds in order to catch a bass.

You can also search for underwater structures, such as big rocks or a big stump. These provide excellent cover for the bass. Consider experimenting with several different kinds of lures to see which one is more successful in catching a bass that may be hiding in these areas. Give it about four or five tries to test whether there are any fish in the area. Trade off bait lures and practice some patience; it just might pay off!

Once you have succeeded in catching a bass, stay in that spot for awhile. It is likely that there are more fish in the area. The fact is, fish will follow the fish on your line and actually attempt to take the bait! If the type of bass you are fishing for are white bass, consider using a double rig. It is likely you will catch more than one fish at a time.

Now that you have set the hook, don't let your line go slack. You not only want to keep the line tight, you will want to give it another yank to ensure the hook is firmly set. If they jump out of the water, it will be more difficult to keep your line tight and, if the hook is not firmly set, they can wriggle off.

This is also why it is important not to use hooks that are dull. It is also worth noting that smaller hooks set easier in the fish, making it less likely that the fish will get free. Even so, nothing beats an aggressive hook set coupled with keeping a steady pressure on the fish, especially if they jump out of the water multiple times.

Well, there you have it! By applying these bass fishing guides, along with securing more literature about bass fishing, you will be ready to catch the big one (before it gets away!)


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