Perfecting Your Bass Fishing Techniques

Bass fishing techniques involve anticipating how the bass thinks in order to locate their habitat, knowing what will trigger a strike and help you catch a lunker bass. There are various techniques for catching bass, and some of them differ slightly for catching the biggest bass.

Bass are predatory fish, but they also conserve energy for suitable bait that gives the appearance of the "most bang for the buck", unless they are in a spawning pattern, protecting their nest. In this case, they can be much easier to anger and trigger a strike. The spawning season is often the easiest time to catch nesting bass for this reason. Male bass move into shallow water, with gravel bottoms and swish their bodies to make nests and wait for the female bass to move in a couple weeks later.

Bass fishing techniques for the pre-spawn differ from post-spawn bass fishing. In the two week period that the males are waiting for the females, they become hungry, and will tend to go after lures or baits that simulate the natural bait fish of the waters they are in. Chances are that if you use natural looking bait fish lures, in the shallows, you may snag a large bass, although the females of the species are larger than the males in general.

Bass fishing techniques during the two weeks of spawning in the spring tend to be a combination of hunger strikes and aggressive protection strikes, where they may hit oddball looking lures better than natural bait fish lures. The reason for this is that the smaller baitfish are more plentiful and also moving into the shallows, so sometimes, they get full or tired of the same thing.

Bass fishing techniques post spawn and the rest of the year vary from the spawn period. Bass like brush piles, downed tree limbs, the edges of drop-offs and hiding under boat docks or other types of cover. The reason for this is that they can stealthily attack bait food swimming by.

Bass can swim up to 30 miles per hour, which is why many fisherman love trolling lures for bass. A "no effort" and relaxing way to catch bass is to troll a mid-depth lure behind a slow moving boat, out about 100 feet or less. You are sure to trigger a strike many times.

Other bass fishing techniques involve casting and retrieving bass lures, flipping bait fish into banks and brush piles or using top-water rattling baits, action baits and spinner baits, which are more likely to trigger hunger and aggravation strikes. Bass are pretty smart, but the biggest bass seldom make the same mistakes that the smaller bass do.

Big bass tend to stay by themselves, versus swimming in schools like the smaller bass. Bass fishing techniques for catching the bigger bass mean NOT fishing where you are catching a lot of small ones. There is less competition for bait fish, and they tend to push the smaller bass out of their territory, which is normally less than several hundred square yards. They still like the same type of habitat, but go for bigger lures and bait presentations. Think like the fish do and you will be successful catching some nice bass this season!

For more insights and additional information about perfecting your Bass Fishing Techniques [] as well as wealth of information related to bass fishing, lures, and techniques, please visit our web site at []


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