Bass Fishing Secrets - Bass Fishing Techniques - Bass Fishing Tips, Tricks and Advice

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Winter Bass Fishing Techniques

Bass fishing in winter months can be very tough.Like humans and all other animals bass do not like to move much in the winter and like to store up on food to avoid having to hunt as often. It can be extremely difficult to fish for bass in the winter and chances are you will have to deal with freezing conditions while sat in a boat, this can make the experience less than pleasurable.

The key to catching bass in the winter is to use large baits and fish them very slow. Brush hogs tend to work well in the winter months when bass fishing. A large jig or chatterbair with a pork trailer will also do the trick. If a bass is going to have to move around a lot in the cold water the treat better be worth it.

When you are going winter bass fishing it is often in your best interests to choose shallow waters, realistically you want to choose water that are no deeper than twelve feet or so. Bass like to lay and wait in places where there is a sharp depth change nearby and offering some cover such as a group of weeds or a downed tree. If you stick to locations like these you are ensured to catch many bass.

Winter bass fishing can be hard and often frustrating at times but it can also be very rewarding and productive in terms of fish caught. If you choose a location correctly than you are virtually guaranteed to catch at least one good sized fish that will make the whole experience worthwhile.

Chances are that fish caught during the winter months are much bigger than anything you have caught before so you can be sure to beat your personal best if you have not been winter bass fishing before.


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