Peacock Bass Fishing Techniques

It only makes sense that you would want to seek out as much peacock bass fishing techniques as possible if you are fishing in Florida but especially if you are going to make the trip to the Peacock Bass capital of the world in South America. It doesn't hurt to be even more prepared for a great trip. No doubt you'll be with fishing guides that will make the process a whole lot easier but you can never learn too much on the subject.


First off the Peacock Bass typically feeds only during daylight hours. They rest during the night and thus are usually very inactive.

You will find most success in warm, slow flowing canals, ponds and lakes as they cannot tolerate water temps below 60 degrees F. And will frequently find them in the shady areas around bridges, culverts, canal intersections, bends and near fallen trees.

They are known to spawn and feed in shallow water so the most commonly used lure are variations of any top water poppers and crank baits. You'll want to use 6 to 8 inch sizes to go after the big ones. Couple these with a fast noisy retrieval to get them in a frenzy. Remember Peacock Bass will strike out of just being territorial so passing a big, noisy lure right past them should get the strike you're looking for.

Also don't forget that these fish are known for their ferocity and will strike with a destructive force. So make sure all your fishing tackle is of the heavy duty variety to be able to withstand the hits you most surely will get.

For detailed seasonal and watershed techniques for peacock bass fishing, check our friends peacock techniques at

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