Amazon Peacock Bass Lures
In this segment of our interview with Paul Reiss he tells us what Peacock Bass lures he has put to work and had success with during his time in going after the monster Peacocks of the Amazon.
B-F-S: Can you describe what type of lures a person should have if they want to catch Peacock Bass?
Paul: I?ve learned long a go never to tell someone that his favorite lure won?t work, because it?s almost an unwritten rule of fishing that the moment you say something can?t be done, someone will go and do it. That being considered however, we hook probably 90 percent of all the big peacocks we catch in a year on four principle categories of lures; propeller lures; stick baits; swimming plugs and peacock rattle jigs.

The most famous, of course, are the big, 6 or 7 inch prop baits. These are known from Luhr-Jensen?s (now defunct) ?Woodchoppers? and today?s Highroller ?Riprollers?. They catch good numbers of fish, generate spectacular topwater strikes and make for wonderful television; however, they are always productive. Certain water conditions may make them next to ineffective, so an angler must be armed with an array of alternative tools.
Stick baits, such as ?Zara Spooks? and ?Super Spooks? are especially effective early and late in the day, in small, still waters and in thick structure. Swimming plugs like Yo-Zuri?s ?Crystal Minnow or Cotton Cordell?s ?Redfin? are almost always effective and provide tired anglers with effortless fishing, albeit not nearly as productive as their subsurface counterpart, the ?Peacock Rattle Jig?.
B-F-S: With the understanding that conditions will tell you what lure you should use, and it can vary from time to time, but is there any one type of lure that is especially productive in catching these fish?
Paul: Absolutely. The ?Peacock Rattle Jig catches far more peacock bass than any other lure. Although it's a jig in every aspect of the word, the name is a bit deceptive since we don?t jig it. It never goes to the bottom. Instead we fish it as though we were stripping a fly, rapidly accelerating and then slowing again in a rhythmic, jerky motion in the top several feet of the water column. This lure is by far the most productive of all peacock bass lures and is effective in just about any conditions. Even better, their small, light easy to use and cheap ? you can even make your own. For more information on this lure and how to fish it, check out our website?s peacock jig section.
Thanks Paul for the priceless information on the best peacock bass lures to catch Amazon peacocks.
More with Paul Reiss on Amazon Peacock Bass:
Paul talks with about the awesome Amazon Peacock Bass.
Paul shares some priceless Amazon Peaock fishing techniques.
Paul describes the fishing gear needed to catch monster Peacock.
Read more on the Peacock Bass, including how to identify and some more tips and techniques.
More on Peacock Bass lures.Go to home page to learn more about bass fishing.
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