Take a Kid Fishing
Target fish species that are relatively easy to catch. Bluegills and other sunfish are near the bank this time of year, and they're usually easy to catch. Catfish are likewise a good choice. If you fish from a boat, go after sand bass and even crappie. Largemouth bass are the most difficult to catch of the common game fish. Save bass fishing for when your youth angler has more patience and better skills.
Use natural baits to lure fish. Kids like the action involved in casting and retrieving lures, but they'll catch more fish using earthworms or live minnows for bait. Make a game of catching insects that can be used for bait.
During summer months, fish early or late in the day. That's when fish are most active, and it's also when temperatures are reasonably comfortable for anglers.
Bring plenty of cold water and snacks. If the fish refuse to bite, turn the trip into a picnic or look for animal tracks in the soft mud alongside the lake or stream. Point out any birds or other wildlife that you see. There's always something interesting to see if you stay alert.
Use simple equipment. Spin cast rods and reels are simple and easy to use. Youth models sell for as little as $20. Fishing tips
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