Tips For Bass Fishing With CrankBaits
Bass fishing with crankbaits can make going fishing very enjoyable. Crankbaits are usually great for catching bass and other types of fish. These baits are very popular among bass fishermen all over America. There are many different styles and variations of the crank bait. When bass fishing with crankbaits, there are tips and strategies that you may want to remember when you are out there fishing. Pro bass fishermen enjoy these tips and strategies to help them be the best when they go out bass fishing with crankbaits.
When out on the lake bass fishing with crankbaits, the first thing to remember is to use an erratic retrieve for the best fish appeal possible. When the crankbait lure is in the water and it runs to the left, pull the line to the right. If the line pulls right, you pull left. If you are looking for better sensitivity, holding the tip of your rod low and to the side will help you achieve a higher sensitivity. You will want to keep the angle of your pole at about ninety degrees when holding the rod low and to the side. An important tip to remember is to give a hard jerk when trying to set the hook in the fish's mouth. Small treble hooks can rip out if they are jerked too hard so it will take a little time and patience to learn the proper jerk to use. Another great tip for crankbaits is to make sure that the hooks are always as sharp and as strong as possible.
While using crank baits you will want to check the line above the lure as often as you can. This is done to protect your line from fraying up with gravel, rocks, sticks, or stumps. When trying to get your lure to run deeper, you can try using a sinker. Bass love to spend time in deep water, so getting your lure to sink as deep as possible is a good strategy. There are many crankbaits that make sound or have built in rattles for attracting bass and other fish.
Bass fishing with crankbaits can be a fun experience for all fishermen. If you do a lot of fishing in the early spring you will want to use larger crankbaits. You want to switch to smaller baits after the spawn and then use larger crankbaits as the season continues on. It is also good to remember that when your crankbait stops vibrating and you have caught a fish, always remember to loosen the drag on your reel as the bass gets closer to your boat or the bank. This will keep your line from breaking while reeling in the fish. When you are out fishing and the fish seem to be feeding, change your lure to a faster moving crank bait to get some more action out of the fish. You can purchase crankbaits at any sporting goods store or online at Bass Fishing Fundamentals and save a bundle on gas running to the store.
Dennis has been bass fishing for over 45 years and loves to catch and write about Bass fishing. You can find more bass habits and techniques to catch bigger and more Bass at along with all types of fishing tackle. Dennis has started a great new web 2.0 site dedicated to Bass Fishing complete with videos, forum and chat go here My Bass Fishing Space
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