Bass Fishing Is Big

For a very long time now bass fishing has turned out to be very big when it comes to being a commercial business. Every where you look it seems that not only has bass fishing been a sport but for many it's a passion that will never go away. All over the world gear, resorts, boats and so much more has been built around the bass fishing industry.

Still today the sport of bass fishing is huge and is still growing and seems that it always will. It's more than just heading out and catching a fish. It's about being the best and catching the biggest and best so that you can have better bragging rights as opposed to others. As time goes on you will find out exactly whats involved when it comes to bass fishing.

A big thing when it comes to bass fishing is knowing what sort of hooks you should be using.

It seems even until today there are still 3 favourites when it comes to hooks being used for catching bass. It seems that after a lot of research the people who fish for bass still love using a plastic worm. Then after that spinner and crank baits take a close second and third.

It's not just about picking a hook but knowing when and where to use that hook. You need to determine what the fish want. One day the fish might be interested in aggressive bait while others they may be looking for easy pickings. As you get better in your education of bass you will learn the very best ways to seduce the fish we all love so much.

One of the biggest problems for people just learning to fish is not being able to feel when the bass actually bite. There could be a lot of reasons but the biggest is just gaining experience.

To help you get better feelings when it comes to setting your hook the key is using a floating worm with lead sinkers that are stripped on the line. Take a look at a few of the advantages below:

• With the lead stripped on it will stay in one place and help you determine the feelings.

• The amount of lead you apply will determine how you work your line.

• Stripped lead helps to make it easier for bass to bite.

• Setting the hook will be much easier.

• You will have a much better and easier time when it comes to getting snagged.

• You can virtually dictate how the worm reacts once you learn how to use the hook properly.

Put the barb of the hook into the worm and ease it into the water. This will help you to determine how much lead may need to be stripped on. Keep stripping lead on until the hook kind of floats to the bottom. You don't want the hook to go through the water at mach 3. this will be too much weight. The best line to use is 4 to 6 pound test. Anything heavier will start to hinder natural movements.

That brings us to the spinner bait when it comes to bass fishing. The spinner bait can be moved quickly in many different ways or in different patterns. One of the best places to fish a spinner bait is along shores because the spinner bait is built to avoid getting tangled.

Finally, the third hook in the popularity contest is a crank bait. It is loved by so many because you can fish a lot of water with out wasting a bunch of time. This will help to catch fish that could virtually be any where.

At the end of the day no matter which hook you use you need to make the bass want the bait. The easier you make it for the bass the better your chances of catching that lunker. Bass are very intelligent fish and they actually make a determination if going after the bait is worth it. Meaning if it's going to take too much energy they will just let the bait go. This doesn't make them lazy but rather very smart.

You need to learn to use these hooks. Once you do you will very quickly see your fishing success go much higher. In turn your enjoyment will start to go off the map.

Now that you have the hooks figured out you will need to understand time. You need to know and understand what the best times are to catch the almighty bass fish.

Of course morning and night are the best times and those are also the times that the biggest fish are caught. You also need to remember that bass like to hide and pounce on their prey as they present themselves.

Bait fish are almost always the most active in early hours. Bass will stalk bait fish while they are feeding because it seems at that point they often let their guard down. So that obviously means that early morning seems to be the best time for fishing.

When the light is bad under the water make sure you keep the hook moving at a steady pace. The more regular you keep things the better chance of bass finding the bait and taking it.

A problem with bass is once the water starts to get too cold in the morning and night you will be pretty much wasting your time. Once the water gets too cold in wrecks the food chain for bait fish.

Of course lures and time are a big factor when it comes to bass fishing. However as time goes on you will learn a lot more tips and tricks when it comes to bass fishing.

When it comes to fishing never let it get away. Dale has been fishing for almost 40 years and still loves it more and more every time he goes. He has decide to go online and share some of that joy. You can visit his brand new website at You can also visit his blog at


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