Back To The Basics Of Bass Fishing
These days the whole bass fishing seen has become one big confusing, complicated mess! It seems most of us in our quest for big bass have overlooked the basics and now spend more time playing off the hype we see on TV and read in their favorite bass fishing magazines. So ill ask you to try a different approach, quit paying attention to what your favorite pro is doing on TV, quit believing all the hype and get back to the basics! You want to catch more and bigger largemouth bass? Learn the largemouth bass and their habitats.
The key to catching more and bigger largemouth bass is not in buying that new flashy crankbait that your favorite pro is getting paid to promote. though having all the latest fishing gear is nice, its not the secret or the key to catching largemouth bass!
Like mentioned above, in this day and age many of us are jaded by all the hype that surrounds bass fishing, to many of us have lost sight of the big picture and are lost in a world of promotions and misinformation. We are being programed to believe that buying this or that will catch us more and bigger bass. Now don't get me wrong, theres some good information out there, but for the most part the world of bass fishing has turned into a circus.
So by now you've probably figured out that the secret to catching huge bass is not some grand closely guarded secret, its actually quite simple and comes down to this, KISS "Keep It Simple Stupid!" Try to shy away from the hype and instead focus on the basics. Learn the Largemouth bass and learn him well. Spend more time educating yourself about the largemouth bass and less time educating yourself on what your favorite pro is fishing with and you will start catching bigger and better bass. You will also begin to realize that you don't need all the latest fishing gear to catch them big bass. Id be willing to go up against any pro on my lake or river with nothing more than a bucket full of shiners and a few sharp hooks, let him throw all his fancy lures around and Im sure id come out ahead.
Catching more and bigger bass is not difficult nor is it something that needs to be complicated, for the vast majority of us we are out there to have fun and catch fish, thats hard to do when your paying more attention to that huge box of fishing lures, than actually hunting down and catching bass. Don't get me wrong here, having a good selection of fishing gear is important, but all that gear is useless to you unless you know and are familiar with the basics. Unless you are familiar with the largemouth bass and how they act and react, how they live and feed, how they move and breed, without this knowledge you will find yourself in the same boat as so many other anglers, wondering why your not catching the big ones, wondering why your bass fishing efforts result to being average. Most of us get stuck in a rut like this because we are overlooking the basics, the fundamentals of bass fishing.
So thats it in a nutshell, you want to catch more and bigger bass? Get back to the basics of bass fishing, quit complicating things and most importantly don't believe all the hype! Just because Joe Basser is using the new gypsy diver and catching fish on TV with it, doesn't mean its worth your time or money.
I am sincere about this;
Id be willing to go up against any pro on my lake or river with nothing more than a bucket full of shiners and a few sharp hooks, let him throw all his fancy lures around and I'm sure id come out ahead.
So by all means, if any professional bass fisherman would like to take me up on the challenge, I'm game, lets go fishing!
webmaster and Angler; Go Bass Fishing []
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