Tube and Worm Trolling

In my opinion, September is the best month for tube and worm fishing on Cape Cod. For starters, striped bass show up in greater numbers. They are also usually much more aggressive. The air is cooler, giant tuna are around, and summer crows have dissapated.

September weather is also usually pretty nice for tube and worm trolling. Again for starters, the humidity and the predominant southwest wind have eased a bit. Often times the waters around Cape Cod are as flat as a pond. Its days like this that make you forget that you are fishing on the ocean. And then there will be those breezy days and nights. However in September, a big wind is not always a bad thing. This rings especially true in Cape Cod Bay. A strong onshore wind will often light the fishing up in nearshore areas. Places like Scorton Ledge and Sandy Neck are two such places.

The best aspect of fishing during September is that the behavior of bass in Cape Cod Bay begins to change. Many of the stripers that you could not entice a single bite from during July will now hop all over a tossed offering. The bass become noticeably more aggressive as October approaches. During September, there is a good chance that if you find the bass, you will be able to catch them. "Lockjaw" does not seem to be as much as a problem during this month.

Finding the fish in the first place also becomes easier as September inches its way towards October. Large schools of big stipers tend to hang a bit closer to the beach during this month. Long trips spent fishing out deep in 60 plus feet of water are often times no longer necessary. Finding bass in these deeper areas is always more difficult than locating bass in shallow water. Spending time fishing and searching in 15-40 feet of water is the protocol during this time of the year.

Towards the end of the month, the bass will really put the feedbag on as they prepare for their southerly migration. The fishing during September of 2010 was on absolute fire. We caught a ton of big bass in tight to the beach, and even managed a 673 pound giant tuna. Of course, who knows what will happen in 2011. However the odds are in our favor that we will be able to at least put a few seriously large bass and giant tuna in the boat.

During September of 2010, a few giant tuna were seen crashing on the surface in the deeper water off Scorton Ledge.

Large bluefish, as well as Snappers, will invade the near shore haunts throughout this month. If 10 plus pound bluefish are your target, than look no further than Cape Cod Bay. Race Point, Sandy Neck and Billingsgate Shoal all produce big bluefish during September.

For smaller bluefish and snappers, concentrate on the south side of the Cape. The many bays and estuaries that litter the Cape's southside, including Buzzards Bay, are home to these baby bluefish. Ultra light tackle is the way to go. Small lures or minnows fished on micro sized spinning reels is a blast. This is great fishing for the under 10 years of age crowd. These small bluefish taste great and also make good live bait for tuna.

Aside from giant tuna, bluefish and bass, many other species are also infiltrate the waters around Cape Cod during September. Bonito, false ablacore and school bluefin tuna, for example, can all be found swarming around Cape Cod throughout the month. Even more exotic fish like Spanish Mackerel are caught off the southside of the Cape. These fish are usually taken by anglers fishing for bonito and false albies. So far this season I have heard some very positive reports of mahi-mahi being caught with regularity around the high flyers south of the Vineyard.

Fishing on Cape Cod is just an awesome experience. The opportunities are virtually endless. All of these opportunities only get better as September turns into October. Now is the time to go fishing before the cold, windy days of November arrive!


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