Tips for Summer Bass Fishing During Midday"> Fishing for bass in the midday summer sun has some challenges. fishing 1 image by Sorin Alb from
Many find that the hot summer months make catching bass tougher than during cooler times. It's especially difficult in the middle of the day. When the sun is high in the sky, these fish are not unlike land species. They try to stay cool and don't move a lot. Following tips that keep this in mind will help you land a few more bass on your trip out on the water.
Get Deep
Think about a swimming pool. When the blazing sun beats down on it in the middle of the day, it can feel like a warm bath instead of a refreshing reprieve from the harsh heat. The water at the surface becomes warmest of all, with the deep end typically feeling a bit cooler. Lakes and streams function the same way.
Bass will tend to stay in the deeper water during the hottest part of the day, so this is where you have to look for them. Try fishing near structures on the lake floor, according to The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource website. Structures are features on the bottom of the body of water. These structures include sandbars, humps, ledges and drop off areas. This is not to be confused with cover such as stumps or brush.
Shady Banks
When the sun is hot, the shade feels much better than the direct sunlight. Bass tend to agree with this philosophy, so look for shady areas along riverbanks and lakeshores and fish them heavily during midday, according to
Areas with weeds or other cover in shaded areas as well as the shaded areas around docks and piers may be the best places to land a few fish during the hottest part of your day. Also, those fishing in the boat with you will likely appreciate the break from the sun as well.
Depth Finder Trick
A trick to finding bass during midday is to look for the place they'll likely have lunch. Use a depth finder to find shad or other baitfish schooling in clumps in cool shaded areas and add your lure to the mix. It's very likely that the bass will come to the cooler water to hang out for a while. There's also a decent chance it will decide to choose a place with some prey present, according to
Try Rivers
When fishing for smallmouth bass, rivers may be a better option than some lakes. Also, a midday fishing session on a stream or river of moving water can be a wise choice for an extremely hot day. The water in streams and rivers tends to be more highly oxygenated and remain cooler than the standing water in a lake.
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