Best Bass Lures - Exploring the Best Bass Fishing Lures
In this article I'm going to outline some of the more popular and effective bass fishing lures on the market today, and the attributes that make them this way. By reading this quick article you can learn about lures you may not have heard about, and add them to your bass fishing repertoire. With any luck one or all of these fishing lures will help you have your best fishing season ever.
The most important aspect of any type of fishing is to spend as much time as possible on the water practicing your craft. Practice is the biggest key to bass fishing success. Mark Reid once said, "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is." No truer words may have ever been spoken, and the point is to take this information and get out on the water and use it.
Let's get down to the best bass lures, shall we?
Spinner Baits - These shiny, strange looking fishing lures look more like a wind chime than a fishing bait, but when it comes to bass fishing (especially in the case of large mouth bass) spinner baits can be hard to beat. The basic philosophy with spinner baits is that the large blade (or blades) attracts the bass, and then the jig on the hook "seals the deal", as it were. Spinner baits fished in and around fallen trees or heavy cover can be a deadly bass fishing tactic. These baits come in many sizes, with many blade sizes and colors, and are sold in every imaginable color. As far as bass fishing lures are concerned, spinner baits are one of the best.
Jigs - The most popular sizes of bass fishing jigs are 1/4, 3/8, & 1/2 ounce. Jigs are tipped with twister tails of many varieties and in some instances pork trailers are added to the hook. Some anglers say the "jig and pig" has a much more natural and lifelike movement than jigs without the pork trailer. This is all for the individual angler to decide. Bass jigs are fished slowly around heavy cover, and can be an extremely effective lure.
Crank Baits - Crank baits have to be on the list of the best bass lures. These baits come in a variety of styles, most of which imitate either minnows or shad. Crank baits can be fished at a variety of depths and speeds and are extremely popular. Some bass anglers fish exclusively with these baits, so they must be effective. Some of the more popular and effective crank baits include: Rat-L-Traps, Bomber Shad, Bandit Crankbaits, KickTail Minnows (maybe the most realistic crank bait ever), and Rapala Minnows, to name a few. The point is that crank baits have to be considered among the best bass lures.
Soft Plastics - The most popular soft plastic in the bass fishing arena is the plastic worm. Anyone who has fished for bass has undoubtedly fished a plastic worm. Berkley has revolutionized the fishing world with the development of their Gulp products. These are plastic worms that have bass attracting natural scents impregnated in them. They make bass fishing with soft plastics that much more effective. Whether you're bass fishing with a Carolina rig or wacky worm, soft plastics are extremely popular and effective bass fishing lures.
This was a small list of all of the bass fishing lures available to bass anglers. These bas lures are simply some of the more popular and effective. If you aren't familiar with any of these lures, add them to your bass fishing repertoire, sooner rather than later. And don't forget the most important aspect of any of these baits...spending time using them.
Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.....Montana!
Effective Bass Lures:
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