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How do Largemouth bass give birth? Well we talk about Largemouth Bass here but usually involving the fishing of. But hey, if we can find the answers we

Permalink -- click for full blog post " Largemouth Bass Giving Birth"

Patience, intelligence and location is key when bass fishing. There are going to be plenty of times when you can pull right up to a spot and catch a ton

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Fishing Smart For Largemouth Bass"

What are the most common bass fishing rigs and how do you use them to catch more and bigger bass.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "The top bass fishing rigs that will catch you the most bass."

Trolling for Stripers is a great technique to use when fishing for these great fish.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Trolling for Stripers"

Looking for some striped bass recipes? Check out some of these tasty dishes and share yours.

Permalink -- click for full blog post "Striped Bass Recipes"

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